Kept at a minimum 

Have you not been able to sleep because you have been in my dreams? 

What is best has been commenced and ever since the change has been effective, I never did not think if I should have kept it.

It’s cool.

I’m one with capability to adore from afar.

Thank you. Thank me. Thank where we come from.

We don’t have to pressure connection to be connected – if the universe doesn’t take care of it, it is not meant to be a thing in our worlds. And it can’t be fought. Nothing great is forced.

A balloon in the sky, let’s stop making ourselves so grand for a moment.

I’m one with the capability to appreciate from afar.

Sounds like I’m making all the shots but really,
I just want to talk without saying a word.

It may be like pulling teeth to pull the message from this message.

I can barely be clear even if though it is just a blank paper and me.

The power of writing; to conceal and execute to let your troubles and blessings into the air of the universe setting them free from your soul simply to be in peace again.

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